Saturday - August 08, 2020

What Makes You Sparkle?

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What makes you sparkle

What Makes YOU Sparkle?

Finding work you love is a phrase that you may have read (or said) often.  Perhaps you’ve found that sweet spot for you in your professional life.  Or maybe you’re part of the larger demographic who perhaps has found work they love but they spend the majority of their work week not actually Doing work you Love. Or maybe ‘finding work you love’ is a phrase that, for you, feels like some ideological concept that has no grounding in the financial, professional and societal pressures that we all feel.


Some candid honesty, I’m not going to pretend that by reading this article you’re somehow going to have an epiphany of ‘WOW! Of course!! Now I’ve found my passion! How have I not realized this before now?’  If nothing else, we at Enlightened Leadership Consulting ( would lose a whole bunch of revenue from helping our clients get to those moments of clarity 🙂
However, the main purpose of this article is to perhaps give you an unorthodox gentle prod (in a politically correct way!) in the direction of a path that will get you doing MORE of what you love.  Hopefully, one day you’ll find a balance where you’re doing enough of what you love to allow everything else to fall into place.  “What on earth are you going on about – an unorthodox gentle prod?” I can imagine you thinking.  Well, try this month’s three encouragements on for size.



Encouragement 1: Watch the 10 minute YouTube video below.


Before you click on the link below – mini confession time!  A part of me actually does hope that by reading this article you may have that epiphany moment that I just said I don’t think you’re going to have.  Especially if you’ve been searching for that kind of epiphany moment.  More than three million people have watched this video so that’s got to tell you something.  Top Tip when you are watching : when the guy asks you each of the questions, press pause on the video to give yourself a few extra seconds thinking time (maybe even make some notes).


Encouragement 2: Think of one person in your professional or personal life that you think deserves ‘more’ in their life.


Maybe this is a member of your team at work who goes above and beyond.  Or perhaps it’s someone in your local community that makes sacrifices that largely go unnoticed or unrewarded.  Or maybe it’s even one of your ‘peers’, one of your ‘competition’ for that upcoming potential promotion or whose pay rises and bonuses come out of the same sacred ‘compensation pot’ from where your own financial recognition comes from.


Encouragement 3: Take actions that will pave the way to that person one day soon doing more of what THEY love!


Perhaps you know better than they do what activities make this person come alive.  Or maybe they already know what makes them sparkle but there are too many perceived obstacles preventing them from making that a larger component of their daily/weekly/monthly life.  Whatever the case may be, make it one of your personal objectives to help them do more of what they love and allow them to sparkle more.

As an initial step, I encourage you to read last month’s blog (if you haven’t already) “Today I Begin a New Life.”


What makes YOU sparkle? It may now make more sense why I deviated from normal protocol and included a ‘shouting’ all capitals YOU.  Because I wasn’t talking to you…… I was talking to YOU – the other person, the person you, hopefully, are going to help sparkle more.
You may be thinking ‘I have got more than enough on my plate to add this to my already overlong to do list’ and I genuinely do understand that.  I ask you to consider these last two questions:
  1. How do you think you would feel if someone in your life made it their mission to help you sparkle more?
  2. Is there any possibility whatsoever that what makes you sparkle is actually ‘making others sparkle’? hmmmmm…. deep!


We at Enlightened Leadership Consulting will be here if you want some help finding what makes you or others sparkle and our next post will be published on 9/9….. and then 10/10 etc etc

Contact us to discuss how we might be able to best address your needs